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Women Empowerment Convention Dubai

Women Empowerment Convention Dubai

I have the great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting the first ever Women Empowerment Convention! The congress will take place at the Dubai Opera on March 7th and 8th. As a male presenter I am excited and honored to be the host for these two days of conference, which celebrates women's leadership and success and highlights the inspiring stories of the remarkable women who are making an impact in their fields and beyond.

Presenter for BMW
Presenter for Panasonic
Presenter for RAI
Presenter for Mercedes-Benz EQ
Presenter for Cognac HINE
Presenter for SEAT
Presenter for Honeywell
Presenter for HUAWEI
Presenter for BKT
Presenter for Mercedes Benz
Presenter for Microsoft
Presenter for Siemens
Presenter for Bottega Veneta
Presenter for Coca-Cola
Presenter for Lufthansa
Presenter for Volkswagen
Presenter for ALDI
Presenter for Costa Cruises
Presenter for SAS
Presenter for Samsung
Presenter for Südtirol
Presenter for Smart
Presenter for Red Bull
Presenter for Ducati Corse
Presenter for ZEISS
Presenter for John Deere
Presenter for Abbott